Declaration on accessibility
DARE consulting strives to make its website accessible to all in accordance with national legislation implementing Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council.
This declaration on accessibility (as of 01.05.2020) applies to the version of this website currently accessible on the internet (
report barrier! Feedback on accessibility
Have you noticed any shortcomings in barrier-free access to content from Then you are welcome to contact us by e-mail:
You can also contact us by mail or telephone:
DAREconsulting GmbH Germany
Buschmühlenweg 3
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
Telefon: +49 175 2264572
E-Mail: info(at)dareconsulting(dot)de
DAREconsulting GmbH Switzerland
Rooseveltstrasse 4
4102 Binningen
Telefon: +41 79 500 4088
E-Mail: info(at)DAREconsulting(dot)ch
conciliation procedure
The Federal Government Commissioner for the Interests of Persons with Disabilities has a conciliation office pursuant to § 16 BGG. The conciliation office has the task of resolving conflicts between people with disabilities and federal public bodies.
You can call on the conciliation office if you are not satisfied with the answers you receive from the above-mentioned contact option. The aim is not to find winners or losers. Rather, the aim is to find a solution to a problem together and out of court with the help of the conciliation office.
The conciliation procedure is free of charge. You do not need legal advice either.
You can find all the information about the conciliation procedure on the Internet page of the conciliation office. You can find out how a conciliation procedure works and how to submit a request for conciliation. You can also submit your request in light language or in German sign language.
You can contact the conciliation office at the following address:
Conciliation office according to the Disability Equality Act
with the Federal Government Commissioner for the Interests of Persons with Disabilities
Mauerstraße 53
10117 Berlin
Phone: 030 18 527-2805
fax: +49 30 18 527-2901
E-mail: info(at)