Our skillook!

The genesis of the job matching portal

Before the two skillook-inventors got to know each other, they had their own professional experiences worldwide in the search for suitable employees or the right company. In the process, they repeatedly encountered the same problems: application procedures take too long or the skills and competences do not match the advertised position because all too often they only focus on the required professional qualifications and not on the desired or existing skills.  

Worldwide demand

A New Zealand baker, for example, performs approximately the same activities as a baker in Germany, with the difference that in Germany he needs a degree to do so. So if you only record the skills on which the activity is based, you automatically achieve global comparability and thus transparency.

“I myself have written over 70 applications so far without having found the right job. I am well trained, with two vocational qualifications, two courses of study and countless further training courses. It’s frustrating and time-consuming at the same time,” says founder Marcus Aust.

After the two founders met in 2014 in Pakistan as part of a humanitarian aid project and exchanged their experiences, the foundation stone for the innovative skillook-principle was laid.

The Immigration gave the final and decisive impulse

After many migrants came to Europe in 2015 with no or hardly usable vocational qualifications, but with other, very useful skills, the founders had the decisive idea: to simplify the process of bringing job seekers and companies together in such a clever way that it can be used worldwide and makes the time-consuming process of advertising in job portals superfluous.

“All people bring the most diverse skills and thus valuable resources with them. Skills that are sought after everywhere and which need to be made visible.“ said Debora Aust.

A mammoth task

The founders have started to describe their own professions and competences in skills. This was followed by all regulated and non-regulated professions, further education and activities in Germany. Afterwards the skills were extended to the European area by looking at international job advertisements or the curricula of various professions. Finally, in addition to the technical skills, those skills have been included that are either known under soft skills or are listed in the usual job advertisements or job portals, e.g. under additional requirements and skills.
The skillook- inventors also had in mind that the demands placed on certain activities are constantly increasing. This means that skillook must include additional skills such as digital skills, foreign language skills or soft skills such as intercultural competence.

Partner search and the lack of skilled workers thought together

The shortage of skilled workers is omnipresent! Many companies – across all sectors – are looking for suitable staff. But where? Either by setting up a time-consuming and expensive job posting process or simply by using skillook-like a dating portal-to match the right talent. After several years of development, the founding couple goes online in 2023 with the first job matching portal that can be used worldwide.

“The most difficult thing was to make skillook interesting for job seekers as quickly as possible. The job seekers are the backbone of the system, so to speak, and not only because of the lack of skilled workers.“ mentioning the founders.
skillook revolutionises the long outdated application procedure and represents a new, innovative format for job partner searches.