Immigration of skilled workers & securing skilled workers in the skilled trades, industry & gastronomy & restaurant sector

Javier Lopez-Soler Hermandez for NeoConstruct with CEO Sandro Valido Zaldir

Skilled labour from Cuba

We at NeoConstruct are very grateful to Debora Aust and DAREconsulting for supporting us in this very labour- and administration-intensive process of the Accelerated Skilled Worker Procedure“. CEO Sandro Valido Zaldir

“Everything went well at the embassy in Cuba. They were admired how organized and correct all the documents were, which helped to make the final stepp faster. Thanks for all the information. It has been very important and helpful.”


Skilled workers and trainees are desperately needed in all sectors. Many companies are therefore also looking outside Europe to find their future skilled workers. Once the first step has been taken, the search has been successful, interviews have been conducted, an employment contract or a job/training place promise has been made, the difficult part begins.

The Accelerated Procedure for Skilled Workers is an administratively very complex procedure, especially if the future skilled worker would like to come to Germany with his or her family. The companies listed here as references from the skilled trades, construction, industry and hotel-catering HoGa sectors have gone this route, but needed support through the process, which often takes several months.


The goals of the intensive support were multi-layered: Not only were the best possible and fastest immigration routes to be shown, but also the way through the individually different procedures was to be accompanied and smoothed. This was defined specifically for each company:

  • Neoconstruct: Civil engineer from Cuba with family reunion via the accelerated procedure for skilled workers
  • mirecs: Specialist in hydraulic engineering from Morocco via the normal immigration procedure
  • Lorenz Metallbau: Application for a border crosser card for an office management specialist from Ukraine
  • Balzus Elektroinstallation: Application for an unlimited settlement permit and a travel permit for foreigners for an electrical specialist from Afghanistan
  • Mayer Kanalmanagement: Trainee from Morocco
  • China-Restaurant Ming Dynastie: Recognition procedure and prospects of residence for a Chinese skilled worker as a special chef incl. family reunion


After a successful support process, the following results were achieved:

Neoconstruct: Establishment of a joint WhatsApp group, which greatly simplified communication across 2 continents. Completion of all necessary forms and compilation of powers of attorney. Successfully applied for the Accelerated Specialist Procedure at the Foreigners Authority in Germany, which granted a preliminary approval in a timely manner, thus successfully allowing the specialist incl. family to enter Germany in June 2023.
mirecs: Completion of all necessary forms and compilation of powers of attorney. Support with all questions regarding the process. Successful entry in January 2023. In the future, further accompaniment and support in the area of integration management of international skilled workers.
Lorenz Metallbau: Clarification with the Federal Employment Agency and the Foreigners’ Registration Office regarding the legal and work-related requirements in this specific case and obtaining approval for the cross-border commuter card. This would be issued in June 2023.
Balzus Elektroinstallation: Checking all the necessary requirements for applying for a settlement permit and a travel document for foreigners for Afghan refugees with German training qualifications. Close consultation with the foreigners authority and the company. Successful issuance of the settlement permit (unlimited) and the travel document for foreigners in June 2023.
Mayer Kanalmanagement: Review of all application documents and comparison with the necessary templates from the Federal Employment Agency and the Foreigners Authority.
China-Restaurant Ming Dynastie: Identifying the possibilities of a stay perspective incl. family, taking into account the legal circumstances of a special chef. Review of the recognition procedure in conjunction with the IHK FOSA.