Johanniter International Assistance


After the devastating Tsunami in Sri Lanka, which killed thousands and destroyed a whole coastline, Johanniter International Assistance was running its humanitarian aid programme. In the frame of its health and WASH programme, the following tasks were requested:

  • Development and implementation of the admin. and financial system.
  • Training of national staff for sustainable running of the operation.
  • Backstopping the country programme.


Along the above mentioned areas, the following tasks were conducted during 2005:

  • Design and participative discussion on the admin. and financial system and integration of already existing practice. Discussion on the main changes with all levels of the management.
  • Evaluation of the existing tools and standards and adjusting them to the situation in Sri Lanka.
  • Hiring, developing and conducting trainings for national staff.


After the conduction of the tasks the following results could be successfully achieved:

  • Successful running of the full admin. and financial system with trained national staff.
  • Established admin. and financial procedures, adjusted at the country regulations of Sri Lanka.