Solidar Suisse

Zoltan Doka

Leiter der Abteilung International

“Mit Debora zu arbeiten ist inspirierend, schnell und professionell. Und das immer dem Ziel das Beste für die Menschen zu tun, für die wir arbeiten”


Development, set-up, implementation, backstopping and evaluation on different levels of country programmes in Asia (Sri Lanka, Sumatra/Indonesia, Pakistan), including strategies and QM process development and organizational consultancies.

Solidar Suisse has its own Humanitarian Aid Sector and needed over the years the following areas improved:

  • New Humanitarian Aid Strategy and its implementation and adjustments of the country programmes
  • To develop and support the implementation of Quality and Management Tools for successful implementation of ECHO projects.
  • Institutional learning on headquarter level in standards, rules and regulations of ECHO partnership and the implementation of ECHO project according to FPA Standard.
  • Backstopping and training on PCM for different country programmes.


Along the above mentioned areas, the following tasks were conducted in the timeframe between 2008 and 2013:

  • Design and participative discussion on the new Humanitarian Aid strategy and integration of already existing practice into the new strategy. Discussion on the main changes with all levels of the management.
  • Evaluation of the existing tools and standards and adjusting them to the ECHO minimal standards. Prepare and support the ECHO headquarter audit along the new quality standards. Reintegrate the standards into the organization and its global country programmes.
  • Development, set-up (from the emergency phase up to running programme), management and backstopping as well as evaluate country programmes of Sri Lanka, Indonesia/Padang, Pakistan. Support the programme in Central America, Burkina Faso and Mozambique.


After the conduction of the tasks the following results could be successfully achieved:

  • First draft of the Humanitarian Aid strategy ready for further discussion and approval of the management.
  • Successful support of the headquarters ECHO audit done by KPMG London in 2013.
  • Development of quality management tools for standard implementation of ECHO project in all country programmes.
  • Successful signing of different ECHO project contracts.
  • Support and management of the re-registration of Solidar with ECHO (FPA 2014).
  • Management of the country programme of Sri Lanka.
  • Set-up, management and closing of the Indonesia programme.
  • Set-up, management and backstopping of the Pakistan programme.