
The earthquake that struck Pakistan on 8 October 2005 had a devastating impact, killing an estimated 73,400 people and rendering some 3.5 million people homeless. The earthquake demolished 600,000 housing units. The Government’s strategy for shelter reconstruction entails providing grants and technical support to households to ensure that the rebuilt shelters are earthquake-resistant. Earthquake Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Authority (ERRA) has requested UN-HABITAT assistance to provide technical and training support to help ensure that the rebuilt houses are earthquake resistant. In this context, ERRA, requested the support of UN-HABITAT for the implementation of the housing reconstruction programme and the re-planning of affected cities.

The given mandate from UN-HABITAT included development, set-up, implementation, backstopping and evaluation on different levels of programme in Kashmir, including strategies and QM process development:

  • New Standard Operation Manual for the whole UNH Pakistan Mission and its implementation and adjustments of the respective regions.
  • To develop and support the implementation of Quality and Management Tools for successful implementation of the reconstruction programme.
  • Backstopping and training on PCM for different level staff.


Along the above mentioned areas, the following tasks were conducted in the timeframe between 2006 and 2008:

  • Design and participative discussion on the new Standard Operation Manual and integration of already existing practice into it. Discussion on the main changes with all levels of the management.
  • Development, set-up (from the emergency phase up to running programme), management and backstopping as well as evaluate the reconstruction programme in Kashmir/Pakistan.


After the conduction of the tasks the following results could be successfully achieved:

  • Final approved version of the Standard Operation Manual and active in the UNH Pakistan programme.
  • Development of quality management tools for standard implementation of reconstruction programme.
  • Set-up, management and backstopping of the Pakistan reconstruction programme.